Ask the stranger for help.

From Create Your Own Story

Not knowing what else to do, you rush over and step in front of the figure that had just came out of the parked car. Maybe this person can point you to the nearest exit.

"Whoah!" The figure reacts to your sudden appearance and takes a step back. You can make out the slightly startled face of a man in his late 20s, a small patch of neatly trimmed facial hair hangs from his chin, his jet-black hair greased and neatly slicked backwards like a mafia gangster. He defensively raise his leather briefcase to chest level. "What's the big idea, lady?"

"Shh shh shh! I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you." You whispered, you could understand why he would be so apprehensive in this dark garage. Seriously, where are all the lights?

"Do here? I don't recognize you." He slowly lowers his briefcase and carefully eyes you up and down.

" started this week." You lied. You don't know yet whether or not you can trust this man, so it's best if he doesn't know the situation. The chattering behind you seem to be getting closer, you must act quickly. "I...don't quite know the layout of this garage yet. Can you point me to the exit please?"

"Well yeah, the closest exit would be back that way." He pointed to the source of the chattering behind you, raised an eyebrow, then shifted his gaze back to you in confusion. "What's going on with those flashlights? Are these people looking for something?"

"Well, you see..." You stammered. Seems like the only way at this point is to employ his help right away. "They think I did something bad...but I didn't! Can you help me hide for a while?"

"What the? What did you do? Did you steal something?" He begin to raise his hand to get the pursuers' attention.

"No! Nothing like that! Just please! I'll pay you!" You grabbed at his raised arm and pleaded.

Hearing what you said, he lowered his hand and looked you in your pleading eyes. "Pay me?"

"Yes! Please! They're getting closer!"

Perhaps sensing something in his favor, Mr. mafia-lookalike thoughtfully ran his fingers through his slicked-back locks. "Jeez, I dunno, this is a big risk for me, helping someone who's running from company security..."

You're getting desperate as you could almost hear the individual voices of the men behind you.

Forget this guy, run pass him.

Offer him however much money he wants.

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