Forget this guy, run pass him.

From Create Your Own Story

"You know what? Forget it." You begin to frantically push past the stranger. "I don't have time to stay here and play bargain games with you, mister."

Without a word, he casually steps aside to allow you a path. You quickly speed-walk past him. Just then, a beam of light caught you from behind and cast your shadow against the gray garage floor.

"Hey! There she is!" One of the guards called out from not too far behind you.

You break into a full-out sprint, although you're not sure where you are going, and you're suddenly reminded of how difficult it is to run while wearing a short skirt. You can hear the footsteps of several men echoing off the walls. It's difficult to tell how far behind they are, and just as difficult to tell what lies in front of you.

"Ah!" You let out a sharp cry as your ankle stumbles over a pipe protruding out of a concrete pillar, cauaing you to fall chest-first onto the cold, solid garage floor. You place your palms against the floor to push back up, but a heavy hand push you back down from behind, preventing your upward motion.

"I got her, boys!" The guard who pushed you down called out to his straggling colleagues, who ran over gasping for air.

"Man! This bitch is fast!" One of the stragglers grunted between deep breaths. "What now? Should I tell Mr. Clark we got her?"

"Hmmm....maybe not just yet." The man who caught you chuckled deeply, which gave you a really bad feeling. "She's pretty cute. Why don't we have our share of the fun first before bringing her in?"

"Ooh, I like that idea!"

Uh oh. This is trouble. You realized their intention and tried to push your body up with all your might. But your captor noticed your struggle and placed both hands on top of your back. Your petite figure unable to overcome the massive force of his weight, you lay helplessly with your breasts pinned against the ice-cold floor.

"Uh oh, she's a feisty one." The guard holding you down chuckled, which drew a round of mocking laughter from his colleagues.

"I guess we'll have to make her feel so good that she won't even think of getting away." The comment from another guard drew another round of laughter. You feel a rough, sweaty palm beginning to slide up your thigh. Realizing your inevitable fate, you shut your eyes tightly and bit your lips, dreadfully waiting for your body to be deflowered.

"Fellas, I think you better reconsider what you're about to do." A semi-familiar voice rang out not to far behind. As if on cue, the hand on your thigh ceased its upward motion. And the excited chuckling of the men came to a dead silence.

"This is not what it looks like, Corbin." This appears to be the voice of one of the other guards. "We just trying to scare her a bit, you know, for what she did to Mr. Clark."

"Uh huh." The man identified as Corbin by the guard replied casually. You finally recall his voice as the stranger whom you ran past. "And what DID she do to Mr. Clark? Was he up to his usual antics?"

"Yes! He was!" Realizing that this man was aware of Clark's predatory behavior, you twisted your head around as best as you could and called out to him.

"So what should we do now?" Corbin's voice remained calm in response to your revelation.

"Shit! Alright, we'll leave her with you." The guard who caught you grunted reluctantly, you can feel the heavy hand being lifted from your back and the other hand on your thigh pulling away.

As the guards walked away, grumbling under their breath, you turned to see the man who had saved you from being violated. He stood a few feet away, hands in his coat pocket and a dimly lit cigarette hanging from his mouth, gazing down at you with the sharp, dark eyes of an eagle.

"Um...thanks for helping me out." You climbed up and dusted off your clothes. "But just so you know, I can't really offer you a lot of money, soo...."

"I didn't help you to get paid." He removed the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Then..." You glanced at him while straightening out your ruffled skirt

"I guess you can say I have my own principles." You glanced back at you without any change in facial expression. "I don't like the idea of three men ganging up on a young defenseless woman."

"Well then, aren't you the knight in shining armor." You chuckled and brushed away a streak of brunette hair from your eyes. "Still, I feel like I owe you SOMETHING."

"Anything you can offer will be sufficient. Nothing at all would be fine. If you want to repay me with your lovely body..." His response was as nonchalant as before as he analyzes you up and down. "That would be exceptional."

That last part of his suggestion left you almost speechless, your mouth dropped open while you stared at him dumbfounded. Did he just say you can repay him with sex if you want? The mere mention of it was so casual and callous, it almost sounds like a joke. But then again, he DID just save you from being gang-banged...

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not a sexual predator like Wilson Clark." He seem to have detected your hesitation. "I don't force women to have sex with me. All my sexual partners in the past came to me willingly. If you're not comfortable with that last suggestion, you don't have to take it seriously."

Offer him sex as repayment.

Offer to go on a date with him.

Offer him nothing and leave.

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