TSRM-Your turn to play

From Create Your Own Story

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"Ok, I think it's my turn to play." You speak up as you take a hold of the mouse and keyboard.

"Whaaat. No!!!! I just leveled up!" Bayley whines trying to take the controls back but you don't give in as her pussy smashes against your dick once more.

"You've been playing for a while now, we should share right?" You question getting the better of Bayleys good nature.

"Fine...." Bayley pouts softly as she leans back into your chest and watches you play.

You play for some time though you aren't really enjoying it that much, you've beaten the game a dozen times before and its pretty easy now. There was much more enjoyment when Bayley was playing, she would bounce and dance with every victory but now she remains still, her warm pussy merely resting upon your dick.

"Hmmm... I'll tell you what. If you do something for me I'll let you play again." You mention and quick you feel Bayley coming to rise in your lap.

"Like what?" She questions.

Do you:

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