Fantasize about her through your whole day

From Create Your Own Story

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The day just goes by like lightning as you keep thinking about that beautiful Jenna. You can't get over the fact that she wasn't mad. Maybe she likes it when you jack off? Maybe inside that really nice girl's a really naughty one who'll do anything with you. Not sure about this, she doesn't seem to be that type, and you're not sure you can be wild enough for a girl like that. Still, you spend all day thinking about how great it would be to be with her, and to be in bed with her. She'd make everything perfect, you tell yourself.

You get home to see suitcases near the door. Great. Your mom's off on a trip again. You don't mind her being gone, it's just she's overprotective and paranoid. Ever since your dad died in the military before you could remember him, she won't let anything up to risk. The worst part is that she insists you still need a nanny to watch out for you and your younger siblings. You're pretty sure you can handle them by yourself.

Your mom goes through the usual routine, agonizing over every little detail. Politely, you let her go through her routine, only to be cut part-way through by the doorbell.

"oh, gracious me! I forgot, Ms. Takoma couldn't be the nanny, so I got somebody new. Hope you don't mind" she gets the door and says "Oh please, come in. thank you for coming". You can't see her from where you are, but you recognize that sweet voice from anywhere "Oh, no problem at all. Thanks for hiring me". It's Jenna! You're either blessed or cursed, you don't know what to do, but you don't have much time.

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Social Group Nerd
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