Hide off in your room

From Create Your Own Story

You are beyond not ready for this. After all those sexual thoughts about Jenna, now she's gonna be in your house, with you, alone, for the whole night. You run off to your room and try to think things through. Looking around, it's a mess. You get all the books off your bed by pushing them off to to the side, than tug the covers. You quickly kick the clothes on the floor into the closet and sit at your desk. You quickly pull a book out and pretend to study, than you realize you grabbed your D&D book.

Right at that moment Jenna comes into your room preceding your Mother. You both get a startle as you see each other, and you see she's got a little flush in her cheeks. all she can say before your mom gets there is "Wow".

"Jenna, this is-"

You jump ahead of your mom "we actually know each other mom. Jenna's a classmate of mine at school."

"Oh! well how nice!" she eyes you and Jenna, and you can see the paranoid gears in her mind are turning. She doesn't say anything, but you can tell she no longer likes the idea of a pretty schoolmate of yours spending time with you alone.

You follow the two of them as your mom continues to spell out the meticulous plans and rules of the house. Either Jenna is incredibly polite and patient, or she is a very good actress, because she is smiling and paying very keen attention to what's going on as you just shuffle your feet. As the tour concludes, your mom grabs her suitcase and heads out the door.

"I see where you get it from" Jenna says

"what?" you ask

"the need to be precise. you did that same thing in History class, giving a two sentance answer when 'yes' could have worked." she seems to almost laugh at this.

"oh....good to know I guess..." this whole thing is awkward for you "so....what now?"

"well, right now, your mom's schedule says its nap time for everyone..."

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

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Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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