Welcome her in like a good friend

From Create Your Own Story

You round the corner with a mask of confidence, smiling as you walk towards her

"Hey Jenna! thought that was your voice! Good to seeya"

Your mom is left in a stupor as to how you guys know each other, but you pull Jenna away too fast and show her around too soon for her to ask.

Jenna looks at you confused "what the hell are you doing?"

"getting you away from my mom. It'll work out, trust me"

you show her around the house, getting to your room last. As you walk in you hear your mom shout "Look darling, I gotta go now! I'll see you in a week!" the door slams and a van drives away.

"This is the second time I saw you when I didn't expect you to. At least this time you've got your pants zipped"

"yahhhh, sorry about that"

"Guys do what they gotta do, I understand." you know she's still mad about it, but she's at least trying to put it behind her. "So, what now?"

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

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Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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