Your nemesis, the evil cheerleader Jessica.

From Create Your Own Story

Your surprise switches to fear as you see Jessica give that succubus-like smile of hers.

"Do my eyes deceive me?!" Jessica shouts out in that disgustingly sweet voice of hers as she points at you and Big Willy at the back of the bus. "I can't believe it! Little Miss Nerd here is making the moves on William Sathers!"

Silence falls around the bus like a descending fog. Everyone has their attention turned to the both of you. Even the bus driver who has piped down and is looking pointedly towards you.

"I wouldn't let that thing touch you Willy. You can do WAY better than that breastless wonder!"

You feel your face burn with embarassment. You may not have inhumanly curves like Jessica, but you've always been told that you're quite pretty for your age.

"I mean.... look at her and those dorky glasses!" Jessica squeals and laughter surrounds the bus, roaring against your ears. You feel tears stinging around the corner of your eyes. You don't even dare to look at Big Willy, afraid of what you might see on his face.

What should you do?

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Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Big Willy
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