You pivot in her arms and kiss Elizabeth while teasing her slit with your fingers

From Create Your Own Story

You turn your body and Elizabeth's tongue invades your mouth. Your fingers begin running up and down her lower lips.

"Don't tease," Elizabeth moans when she breaks for air. "Slide on in."

You open her legs up and slip one... two... three fingers inside Elizabeth. She has two inside you. The two of you proceed to a hot mutual masturbation session, making each other cum several times.

"Whew!" Elizabeth finally says, removing her hand and licking off your juices. "Time to gets some sleep. You're really good."

You lick her nectar off your own fingers, then kiss her. You nestle into her arms.

The next morning, you walk to school together. As you pause outside the school gate for a kiss, you hear a voice behind you.

You break the kiss and turn to face...

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Elizabeth
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