You can't move, you're too scared

From Create Your Own Story

Frozen in fear, the beasts come stop just in front of you. They make horrifying growls at you, a kind you've never heard before. It frightens you to no end. You can't make out what they look like, as their eyes are so bright, you can't see beyond them. But then one of the beasts opens, and from within a human steps out. What manner of sorcery is this? Did the beast swallow that human, and just let him out? This makes no sense to you. What are these things?

The human carefully walks up to you, though keeps a fair distance. You also spot more humans step out of the beasts, and they surround you. They have weapons of some kind, but not swords or spears. They kind of look like cross bows, but metal, and oddly shaped. But somehow, you get the feeling that these weapons are just as deadly.

The human closest to you then speaks. "HELLO." he enunciates, as if you couldn't understand him. "WE HUMAN."

"Um, hello." you respond, figuring they must be pretty dumb, and have just learned to speak. "Um, I'm an orc." You guess this is their greeting.

"Oh." he says. "You already speak English. Well that simplifies things. Now I feel stupid. Welcome to Earth."

Did he really think you were the stupid one? But on the bright side, at least there are people here, and they don't seem hostile towards orcs.

"Would you like to come with us?" the man asks. "We'd love to get to know you. Where you came from. Everything." This man doesn't seem too untrustworthy. Though, he's a human, and they hardly ever speak what's really on their minds.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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