YWD: Intervene and tell them to leave Daphne alone?
From Create Your Own Story
You yell at the boys and they back off, somewhat abashed. Taking Daphne's hand, you march on towards the farmhouse, where Daphne leads you upstairs to her room. As she picks out a new outfit for herself, you can see that she is shaking from her ordeal. She does not say much, but she does not seem to be blaming you for what just happened. She dresses herself, and the two of you are about to leave when a face appears around the door. It is the farmer - Daphne's father - and he demands to know why the two of you are here instead of touring the farm. Daphne, thinking quickly, tells him that you fell down and got your panties muddy, and she was lending you a fresh pair. The farmer grunts and tells you to hurry up and get back to your group. He obviously does not trust Daphne, for he accompanies you both for the rest of the day. When the bus finally comes to collect you all, it is a great relief to get away from the old tyrant. You and Daphne make up for lost time now, stealing kisses whenever you can and spending plenty of time with your hands up each others' skirts. By the time the bus gets back to school, the two of you have promised to share many more sexual adventures.