XPS/Squeeze em

From Create Your Own Story

"Gladly." Harlan squeezed her breast.

"Satisfied? You can stop now." Pam looked down at the muscular black arm and the hand gently squeezing her breast.

"No, I'm not satisfied," replied Harlan, still squeezing. "Gage, grab the other one and tell me what you think."

Pamela watched the fat black man move closer towards her in the Jacuzzi. His flabby black arm came up and squeezed her other breast. "Well?" asked Pam.

"Feels real to me," replied Gage.

"Bull shit," said Harlan. "I can't be sure with the top on. Take your top off and let me try again."

"You can't be serious. Admit they're real."

"They do feel soft enough. Let's see if the nipples yield." He had grabbed her nipple and was now tugging it through the material.

Pam gasped. The sheer audacity! But as she started to speak out, Gage took hold of her other nipple and pulled. He seemed much easier to convince, so Pam let him and awaited his comment.

And then she waited, and Gage was still intently focused on the nipple, making it rock hard. "I would say real," he said. Finally!

Harlan let go of her nipple and cupped her breast in his hand. "Well, the only way to be sure is to have a real look. Lose the top, Pam."

"That's enough," said Pam, finally pushing both men's hands of her tits. "I'm not taking my top off in front of you two."

"I don't need to see them, just touch them. Turn around and I will squeeze them from behind."

Extended Pool Scene
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