
From Create Your Own Story


You make your way to the bathroom.

You figure you can look around on the way there.

Unfortunately they aren't in sight, but as you reach the bathroom you decide you need to go anyway.

You go into the toilet and see its pretty full with plenty of chatter. This must be a secondary bathroom as there's only 2 cubicles and plenty of people lined up.

For some reason people are lined up at the left one in particular, just to piss. Or so you assume, as the door is open.

You line up next to it and eventually enter the cubicle. Once you finish your business, you flush the toilet and notice that there is a hole cut out of the cubicle, very common in a nightclub.

However this time you can hear some banging on the other side. Three slim fingers come through the hole, well looked after nails, clearly a woman's hand. However what shocks you is what's on the fingers.

The ring finger, in particular. The wedding ring and engagement ring you gave your wife.

You immediately try to look through the hole but can't see anything, the woman's hand obscuring your vision. You can hear the constant banging on the other side.

You frantically try to move her fingers without success.

What do you do?

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