Why did you want to know if we had sex? Are you implying you're interested in me?

From Create Your Own Story

Gabrielle blushes. "No, I didn't mean to imply that!" she squeaks.

"Oh, good," you say. "That would be most inappropriate for a student to engage in conjugal relations with a teacher. Shall we sit on the couch and I'll help you study, so you catch up?"

"A splendid idea, Professor," she replies. You help her for several hours.

"Well, I think you're all caught up," you tell her at last. "I have just enough time to prep for today's lecture. See you in class." You escort her to the door.

Well, you got laid the one time, anyway. The year passes and nothing else of significance happens along those lines.

When you get back to school after the summer break, you see two new professors on the roster. After a few trips to the teachers' lounge to get to know the newcomers a bit, you decide you want to ask one of them out.

Professor Marie Duchamp is in her early 30's. She teaches French and is fluent in French, English and Spanish. She's short and slender, with long, wavy black hair that flows past her shoulders, and has a small, but you suspect quite perky, chest.

Professor Jenelle Powers is tall and muscular, with perhaps a bit of fat covering her muscles in places. She's dark-skinned and big-bosomed, with short, straight salt-and-pepper hair. She teaches English Litearture, with a specialization in books by African-American female authors, and is in her early 50's.

They're both nice enough, with Professor Duchamp being more quiet and bookish while Professor Powers is more vocal -- not the type of person to take guff from anyone, although very good-natured if treated with respect.

Health {{{Health}}} Identity:

Jack Foster, Philosophy Professor

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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