Wdyw/Wait for him to return

From Create Your Own Story

You decide its best not to use his personal computer. You know you wouldn't want a random person using your's so you decide against it. You have to wait two hours for him to return. You explain that your computer broke and was waiting for him to get back. He asks you to repeat and then says,

"You sat here for two hours twiddling your thumbs? You could have gone and borrowed a laptop, called a repairman, called me on my phone, or any number of fixes but you decided to just sit here and wait?"

Realizing your mistake you can only reply with a sullen, "Yes"

"Well son, you really aren't the guy I thought you were. I am going to have to let you go." He states in a matter of fact voice.

"But..I...." You can't even get a sentence out as he walks you out the door. What just happened? You got fired for not going on his computer. Well, it is your fault for not using a little bit of problem solving skills. You walk out of the building with your head down and feet dragging. You run straight into a woman walking down the street and apologize without looking up. She sees your hunched over body and asks whats wrong and you explain. She agrees with what your boss did but understands your side of the story as well. She offers to buy you a drink and you accept. You look up and it is a beautiful young lady. You instantly stand up straighter and apologize again. She laughs and walks to a bar with you. The two of you share drinks and you get her number. You call her the very next day and go out again. Within just a few months, you are married. She is incredibly wealthy and you no longer have to work. She inherited a huge sum of money from her parents and helps run her father's business. You become a trophy husband and get to live in the lap of luxury. Things turned out better than you could have every imagined.

Unfortunately, she cheats on you with a male model and divorces you. You get nothing and die a penniless hobo, life is never THAT easy.

back to beginning: What Do You Want To Do?

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