Walk to the pond with Kaylee and enjoy an afternoon lazing in the sun

From Create Your Own Story

The second school ends, you go home, put your swimsuit on under your clothes, then head for the pond. There's a decent-size sandy beach at the edge, and you and Kaylee strip down to your swimsuits, lay out towels, and hold hands, quietly enjoying the sun's warming rays for a few minutes.

Kaylee's bikini shows off her body very nicely, and you unashamedly run your eyes over it. Her long, muscular legs in particular are worthy of admiration. Kaylee notices and the smile on her face tells you she's flattered.

You engage in light chatter for about half an hour, before Kaylee rises. "We don't want to spend too long out here," she grins. "Let's get to my place and study so we can spend the evening in... other pursuits."

You both re-dress, and you let your parents know you'll be having dinner at Kaylee's house. You walk back with her, study and eat before returning to her bedroom.

You both undress and lie on Kaylee's bed. "I know how much you like my legs," Kaylee purrs. "Would you prefer to caress them and then finger me while I stroke you, or should I wrap them around your face so you can lick me while I use my tongue on your pole?"

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Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Kaylee
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