Walk to the far end of the room and look at their test subjects

From Create Your Own Story

You walk by all the labs, chemicals and insane scientists to make your way to the testing subjects. The testing subjects are all naked, sexually attractive young females, something the scientists strongly demanded. They are lined up in their small cages made out of metal bars along the wall. The cages are so small that the girls are forced to sit and barely give them enough room to move around in. Being so doped up on various experimental drugs they look to you like trash, without human value. You feel no sympathy for any of them. You’re even repulsed by the ones who have started to mutate due to the drugs. One of the girls face has swollen up, creating large blisters the size of your fist on her face. The look in her eyes says kill me, but you only want her to suffer more for being such and weak freak.

You avert your gaze from the freak and gaze upon a girl more pleasant to look at. She has brown hair and is furiously masturbating. A sign on the cage says that she has been injected with Vox.

Vox is a special aphrodisiac that renders the subject uncontrollably horny and addicted to the drug. The caged girl’s sexual appetite has gone through the roof causing her clits and nipples to itch and burn in arousal. All the imprisoned naked girl can do is rub and scratch her sensitive spots hoping that the maddening pleasure will end with her next orgasm.

It never does. Nor does it do for the ten other females that you see that has also been injected with Vox.

Driven mad by the pleasure the girl is forced to rub and scratch her nipples so hard that they swell and even start bleeding. But her erogenous zones are so stimulated that the pain never overtakes the pleasure, the girl keep on cumming.

This girl… by now her brain has turned to mush. All there is in her minds is sex, and how crushing it is to never satisfy it.

You look a bit to the side and find a special cage made entirely out of one-way mirror glass. In it is a long haired blond, she can’t see you but you’re free to see all of her naked body. Although the girl has been injected with a mild aphrodisiac and is because of it forced to masturbate from time to time this experiment is more psychological in nature. By forcing the girl to constantly observe her own nakedness the scientist hope that when released back into society the girl will have lost all sense of decency and modesty. She will then find in natural to walk around all day with her tits hanging out and cunt showing. Hopefully she also won’t understand why everyone else seems so offended by her lack of clothing.

Further away you can see a steel door. You don’t know what the scientist keep in there and is curious to find out. Or you could decide to play with one of the girl in the cages.

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