Waifu Quest/rel3
From Create Your Own Story
You go to the dive bar you used to love when you were in college. It's not as loud and boisterous as it used to be. Lights not as bright, music not as jolly. In fact, there's only one other customer there--a girl about your age, seated at the bar.
You sit down next to her and have the best chat you've had in a long time. You realize you both went to the same college, and in fact you sat just a couple rows apart in History 101. You joke about missed connections. You bond over your mutual love of IPAs and your mutual dislike of the Kardashians. She even likes your obscure joke about the original Metal Gear on the MSX. And by the end of the night, you're in bed together, with her body curled up against yours.
Well, shit. You just cheated on your waifu, my man! What are you gonna do now?