WIO/Josie/Day 2/Woods Midday (N) (0)

From Create Your Own Story

You came to the woods to avoid people, so you figure it's the best way to avoid people seeing you naked. You leave your one sock behind as you go, seeing as it won't really help you much. You take a straight path through the woods, since you don't know your directions anyway. You keep your eyes down, trying to avoid stepping on anything painful as you walk. After a lot more wandering, your foot comes down on a sharp rock. You fall against a tree as you step back in pain. You slide off the tree, cutting your bare back slightly, and fall to the dirt. You struggle to get yourself into a better position, and while you eventually sit up against a tree, you get yourself (and your still damp body) dirty. You squeeze your foot and look at it. There's only a little bit of blood, mostly obscured by dirt, and after a few minutes, the pain ebbs away. You slowly get to your feet again and look around you. You're lost once more, so now's as good a time as ever to pick a new direction.

Do your thing.

Day 2 Equipment:

Absolutely Nothing

Time 11:00
Money $00
Personal tools