WAS: Search the local area and try to find some way to get into the hive

From Create Your Own Story

Disappointed that there seems to be no way in you leave the Hive and walk off to check out the surrounding area. The Princess will have to wait for her rescuer a bit longer, but you cannot wait for long, who knows what those trolls are doing to her.


You encounter a beast in the swamp. It takes some time for you to truly grasp what the animal is exactly. It has the body of a bear, the head of a great northern wolf, meter long spikes sticking out of its back like an hedgehog and a bad temper. He growls at you but keeps his distance. He is somewhat bigger than a normal bear so his strength must be far greater than those skinny trolls.

You smile at him as he growls at you. He might just be the key to rescuing the princess. Animals are deadly afraid of fire, you could make a fire and use the fire to frighten him into a panicking mode, and then drive him right into the trolls hive.

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