VRX 9000: Sex Games / The Smother Challenge (22221).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Kinsey's Carnival Funhouse

Room 5: Smother Challenge - P1rt 2

Ticket Count: 10

Prize List: 0


The Story:

You walk out in your tiny little yellow string bikini blushing a bit as your full breasts and busty ass bounce as you walk nearly falling out. You have to steady yourself with your hands and are amazed at Dana walking by so confidently in her own red string bikini. God does that woman have an ass. And those thighs! You might have to get into running. Dana announces the game and quite the crowd gathers to watch making you all the more nervous. You are about do smother one of your friends in front of everyone! Even worse, if you lose, you'll be the one getting smothered! You definitely can't let that happen so focus as Dana goes over to remove the two barrels revealing the two unfortunate friends of yours that are about to be used. She reveals the first and you spot Melissa, your very hot and naughty redhead friend. She has her hair up in pigtails and is giving a cute little pout. Her extremely pale skin is a beautiful contrast to her natural red hair and her full lips. You bite your lip a bit already imagine smothering her. She is certainly one of your more attractive friends.

Dana then moves over and removes the other barrel revealing Joy, a beautiful recent friend of yours that you are also quite happy to see. She is one of the taller and more beautiful Asians you've ever met with a skinny, model-like body and beautiful black hair she always has in a long ponytail. Her face is quite beautiful and you think she could easily be a model. These are quite the two choices! You glance between the two before picking Joy to smother. Melissa has always been a bit of a brat and you could see her purposefully holding back. Joy is a bit of a free spirit herself but you think you could get her more under control.

"Oh, so I get the redhead." Dana says with a mischevious grin and walks over to kneel down next to Melissa petting her. Melissa squirms and flushes a bit. You walk over to Joy but don't do anything yet trying to figure out how you are going to win. Then, before you know it, Dana counts down. "Three, two, one, begin!" She yells excitedly then goes to sit down right on Melissa's hot little face. "First to cum wins! No playing with your own pussy!" She says suddenly surprising you with the rule. You flush, kneeling down next to Joy as well trying to think of a winning strategy.

You glance over and see Melissa struggling against Dana's thick, shapely thighs and suddenly get an idea. You'll have a huge advantage if Joy actually helps you instead of resisting you. You meet her eyes and see her putting on a determined look. Yeah, she is going to put up a fight. So, instead of smothering her immediately you grab her firmly by the hair and pull her head back roughly by your grip making her cry out. Before she can recover you shove three fingers between her startled lips. She looks up at you wide-eyed, flushing, as you make her gag and choke on your fingers fucking her pretty little lips. You pull your fingers out letting her gasp and just start slapping her. Joy is in a state of shock, looking up at you as you keep a firm grip in her hair slapping her cheeks and quickly staining them red. Joy sputters, eyes tearing up, but you just return your fingers between her lips and make her gag on them some more making her drool all over herself.

When you finally let up that time you give her two more quick slaps making her give one single tear down her cheek before speaking to her. "You are going to be good for me, or I'm going to spend the entire game making you regret it. Understand?" You say firmly, noticing Dana looking over at you with a frown riding Melissa and wondering what you are doing.

"Ok, ok." Joy mutters, still a bit of fight in her eyes but she gives in.

"Good slut." You say, blushing a bit at your own words, then move to put a knee on either side of her face and smother her. With your hand still firmly grasping her ponytail you plant her mouth right on your pussy and push in your thick, meaty thighs on either side smothering her completely as you rest your ass on your heels. Joy blushes deeply, her face almost completely covered by your thick athletic thighs except for her nose, eyes, and top of her head where you have her firmly by the ponytail. "Lick." You command and she blushes some more, but runs out her tongue.

"Mmmm a slow start, better hope that pays off." Dana says from your side, biting her lip and gasping as she continues to smother Melissa under her incredible small but thick and shapely ass. You get a bit distracted looking at the incredible view but snap out of it and return to Joy.

Then you realize that watching isn't so bad of a plan. All you need to do is get yourself off, and turning yourself on certainly helps. Joy keeps eye contact with a full blush and doesn't stop pushing her tongue up and down your wet slit which would normally be enough. Still, you want to make sure you win! "Keep it up or I'll make you do my feet too." You say, doing your very best not to blush at your own words not really meaning it. Joy keeps flushing and keeps working hard, eating out your very eager full cunt pressed on her lips. You grind slightly on her tongue, but mostly let her do the work. One of your hands runs up under your bikini to squeeze one of your full busty breasts then pull on your own nipple trying to turn yourself on more.

You vision returns to Dana who had laid down on her back and has her legs wrapped around Melissa's head with both hands grabbing both of Melissa's pigtails pulling them forward into her really smothering the hot, annoyed redhead while grinding her pussy up and down on her. You watch, quite amused as she turns and gives you a wink, then swaps around onto her stomach smothering Melissa with her ass in her face now. It's quite the sight you have to admit and you give a loud moan at Joy's beautiful tongue working getting a giggle out of Dana. With her ass in Melissa's face she lets go of one of Melissa's ponytails to run between her ass cheeks and starts to slowly finger her own ass right in Melssa's face while grinding her pussy on Melissa. Dana sure is one horny slut! And she is enjoying herself quite a bit too. You need to cum quickly! Thankfully watching that gets your close and Joy is doing her job beneath you.

Looking back down you remind yourself that you are smothering such a hot, sexy modelesque Asian and grind a bit harder against her. Making her use her hot little tongue between your legs just really turns you on. And since Dana is helping herself out by fingering her own ass, you must be able to as well. You quickly run a hand to your clit and start to rub it, squeezing your hips more and really smothering the increasingly desperate beautiuful woman beneath you.

She seems to understand you are close and works her tongue hard, tonguing your hot hot then swapping to work up and down your slit while your hand works your clit hard. You start to moan and buck and blush as Dana starts to do the same. You watch her hot little body as she gets on stomach and knees, ass up and in Melissa's face. The hot little redhead works diligently for once lapping up Dana's hot little hole while Dana fingers herself hard with two fingers up her ass while the other hand leaves Melissa's hair to snake between her legs from below and work her own clit. The imagine turns out to be too much for you, watching her hot thick ass getting fingered as your beautiful friend shudders in pleasure, rubbing desperately.

You cum hard all over Joy, pushing your thick thighs together to smother her even more before you tremble violently in pleasure, loosening up and collapsing back onto your back and just grinding your pussy against her tongue still working your clit. Moments later you hear Dana moan as well, cumming hard all over Melissa while shoving her fingers up her ass as far as she can. Eventually you collapse and pull away, blushing as you look down to Joy's beautiful face coated with your cum then glance over to a similar Melissa. The redhead looks smug while Joy just blushes and looks away. Joy pouts and with her full lips she looks insanely attractive like that. You almost want to smother her again.

Instead you spot one hundred tickets get added to your total and grin happily, standing up and pulling your string bikini over yourself. The crowd cheers, you had completely forgotten about them, and Dana walks over to you giving you a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. "Congradulations!" She says happily and the two of you are suddenly back in your normal outfits.

Then, half way through her next sentence, she suddenly is replaced by Joy in the same outfit. You glance over and see Dana with her head sticking up from the floor as two barells get put over their heads like before. Joy, looking hot in her new game-running outfit, blushes at you slightly but also grins, giving your ass a squeeze. "Fancy playing again?" She asks. God that woman is hot! You can't believe you never saw it before. You always knew she was just... never considered her for yourself.

You shake your head however. "I think I'm happy with my winnings." You says. "Now I need to find a place to spend them!" You say happily, the idea suddenly making you quite happy. You've got over a hundred tickets now! Surely a sex game will have some wonderful things to buy with that many. You eagerly walk towards one of the next doors happy and ready to continue playing the game. The fact that you've been playing for quite some time already doesn't even cross your mind.


Which card do you pick?

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