Try to hit the cop with pepper spray

From Create Your Own Story

"Get on the ground, now!" The cop approaches you as you appear cornered. Hiding the bottle of pepper spray in the palm of your hand, you wait until he closes in. Just as he's about to grab you, you raise your had and spray him in the eyes. You start to run off, watching the cop scream as he grabs his face. Without warning you feel two needles jab into you, followed by a searing jolt of electricity. Your muscles seize as you fall to the ground with a painful thud. You look up to see a second cop holding the Taser. As you try to get to your knees, he zaps you again. You feel a knee land roughly on your back followed by your arms pulled painfully back. With the cuffs on, you are pulled to your feet harshly and led to a police cruiser.

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