Try to grab Penny's wand away from her

From Create Your Own Story

"Ah, ah, ah!" Penny says, still smiling as she dances backwards away from you. "The wand is mine!"

She taps the brim of her hat with the wand. The hat sinks down over her head. You watch, oddly fascinated as it sinks down over her shoulders, her torso, and finally over her legs until it rests on the floor of the stage. You kick the hat over onto its side. It's empty.

Then Jill's ass gives your dick a squeeze and you forget about Penny. You put your hands on Jill's waist and tug a couple times, but it's no use. It feels like your dick is tied tightly to something deep inside the redhead's rear. You don't really want to pull out of her, so you don't worry about it too much.

"I guess this means we're a couple," Jill says.

It means giving up other women, but it also means she can never say no and you can fuck her tight ass twenty-four hours a day. By some strange magic, her shit comes out of your butt. You wonder sometimes where she puts all the jizz you pump into her ass, since it never leaks out of her or comes out of your ass with her shit.

But you really don't care about much other than pumping more cum into her.

The End.

Health Horny & Stuck Inside Her Ass Location:

Wherever You Go

MP 0
Level 2
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