Try on your new boots with possible outfit ideas

From Create Your Own Story

You toss the box of boots onto your bed and tear open the box excitedly. Your first outfit idea, new appendage forgotten included a pink skirt reaching mid thigh, tight across your butt, and halting just below your waist line. As you strip to try out the idea the penis flops out shattering the concept and bringing you painfully to the now reality that there is no way Aaron wont notice your new bulge. Standing in front of the mirror on the back of your bedroom door in just your blouse and panties, leggings thrown over a nearby chair you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and your heart sinks. Moving up your smooth shapely calves and flawless thighs, muscularly plump and firm, stopping to a screeching halt and the unsightly bulge hanging between your legs. Your hand slithers to your panties and peels off one strap yanking downward and revealing the hermaphroditic organs glaring back at you in the mirror. Your heart pounds lightly and you watch as your new organ, on its own accord begins to stiffen, harden and curl upward. Did you just get hard looking at yourself in the mirror?

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Your Apartment

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