Trust the woman, and get Melaine inside the gas station.

From Create Your Own Story

You start to consider that the hospital may not even be an option at this point. Maybe you can find a medkit inside the station and patch Melanie up.

You pull her out of the car quickly, and rush into the station behind the woman. You follow her through the dark slowly, carefully, bumping into all sorts of things as you go. She leads you to a back room, where she clicks on a lamp. A lamp! You aren't sure if it's battery powered or hooked to a generator, but you're glad to be able to see. There's a small cot, and the woman tells you to lay Melanie on it.

In the light, you can see that the woman is wearing scrubs. You suddenly feel very grateful for this stroke of good luck. As you lay Melanie down, you ask the woman "Are you a nurse?"

"Yes," she responds. "Get my medical bag and the first aid kit off the shelf behind you." She doesn't wait to see if you do it. She squats down next to Melanie, opens up the bed sheet she's wrapped in, and gauges the wounds.

As you fetch the bags, you look the woman over. She's a pretty blonde, mid 30s, green eyes and freckle faced. Her mouth is small, but her pink lips are shapely, and for a moment you almost lose yourself in how pretty she is.

You do what you're told, but steal a couple of extra looks on the way.

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