The punishment for killing the Queen is death by firing squad.

From Create Your Own Story

One week later the Naboo Court carries out your sentence You are marched out into the Royal courtyard and lined against the Wall of Justice, where you are to be executed. It seems all of Theed has come out to see you killed, crowds of people some looking on you with hatred and disgust; others with fear. You hear them whisper about the 'Mad Jedi' or the 'Sithspawn' or 'Queenkiller'. You bow your head in shame as you are marched to your doom.

The judge makes a big show of your crimes, reading your crimes with dramatic flair before the gathered crowd. Right before they put the blindfold on you they ask you if you have any last words.

"I love you Padme..."

You hear the commands.




Up in the crowd, a young beautiful woman watches the light of the blasters tear through your body, killing you instantly. Tears stream down her cheeks beneath a dark veil as her lover is stricken from the world.

The End. Thank you for playing! Try Again? Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
Attack of the Clones

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