The bar, to get drunk before going to Penny's party

From Create Your Own Story

You've never had much self control, and you still don't. Even after your 7th shot of vodka/tequila you keep on ordering more, at a prodigious speed. Once you can't stand on your hoofs anymore, and you've tried making out with the bartender for the third time, the staff decides you've had enough and call a taxi for you. When walking to the door however, you trip over your own legs, and smash head first into a wine bottle. Everything goes dark.

You wake up in the hospital, hearing shards form a doctors orders: "Lost a lot of blood...need to operate right now...probably isn't gonna make it..."

The doctor was right. You died from blood loss during the operation, and were cremated a week later.

What's the lesson? Drink alcohol, wear a helmet!

Furry Status (you)
Health 0 Equipment:

sexy clothing

Gender Female
Species Equine
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