The Zoo/"What happened to him?"

From Create Your Own Story

"He's been taken away," the grizzly said somberly. You stare at him blankly.

"Where?" you ask.

He shrugs unknowingly. "Happens a lot in here. Will probably happen again soon, actually." He nods across the enclosure at the horse, his broad shoulders slumped in a dejected sort of way. Like someone sitting on death row. "Terrance over there'll probably be next, considering he ain't got fang or claw to fight back with, and he's too damn gentle for his own good."

"Who will he have to fight?" you ask. "Is this some kind of gladiator arena?"

The big bear laughs, a deep, rumbling sound. "Kid, you don't know nothing, do you?"

Your wings flap in anger. "Well why don't you explain it to me." Damned overgrown teddy bear.

"This is The Zoo," the grizzly says, "the source of the only live-action furry porn on the internet. They got dozens of cameras watching us right now. People pay big money to watch us fuck, and if we don't fuck, we're taken away, and who knows what else then. And people pay big money to watch whatever's after that, too. Do you get it now?"

You nod, feeling sick. You have the choice of being a whore or being carted away.

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