The Unicorn and the Raven/Announce your presence

From Create Your Own Story

"Umm... Hello?" you say uncertainly. Your voice is quiet, little more than a whisper, but the sound seems deafening in the terrible silence of the room. They all turn to look at you, and the man by the table in the front of the room draws his sword and starts towards you.

"Who are you?" ask's a woman's voice. It sounds tired and sad, but there's a bit of ice in it, too. "How did you get here?"

Before you can answer, a man at one of the consoles starts to get up and draw his sword as well. "Arkley, stay where you are," the same voice said, and this time there was a tone of command in it.

"Yes ma'am," the voice says, but there's an undertone of uncertainty in it.

The chair in the center of the room swivels towards you, and you see the owner of the voice clearly for the first time. She's young and, under dirt grime and blood her face is still pretty, if worringly pale. There are dark circles under her eyes and it looks to you like she hasn't slept in days. Though she's wearing a similar, if somewhat more gothic style uniform, you can see gashes in the fabric of one shoulder, and the dark material is colored even darker with blood. She's clearly tired and injured and though she appears to be unarmed it seems to you that she's still the most dangerous person in the room.

"I... I don't know," you stammer, aware that she probably won't believe your story anyway. "And I don't know who I am. I woke up in the forest and now I'm here."

"I don't believe you," she says.

Her eyes looked tired before, but now they're cold and piercing. Most of the fatigue is gone from her voice as well.

Do you:

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