Testing Facility/Pop on over to Victoria's Secret

From Create Your Own Story

You head for Victoria's Secret. You find a set of sexy black lingerie and take it to a changing room.

You strip, put it on, and look at yourself in the mirror. Absolutely lovely.

You remove it, get back into your clothes, and buy the lingerie. You feel quite confident as you start heading over towards the food court.

As you stand in line to order, a woman about your own age approaches you. "Hi," she says, a bit shyly. "Um... would you... like to have lunch with me?"

A handsome, rugged, blond-haired man walks over to you. "I think you should lunch with me. It'll be my treat." He looks to be maybe in his late 20's.

Testing Facility/Accept the shy woman's offer

Testing Facility/Accept the blond man's offer

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