Temple of Jesenda/Decide to kiss the tables feet.

From Create Your Own Story

"It's obviously the feet." Quickly pipes in Rose, the answer seeming clear as day to her and the opposite opinion doing nothing but annoy her. She moves around to one of the four legs of the table and while not quite as intricately laid as the surface, still keeping the same mystic feeling the rest of the decor emanates.

"We just have to get on our knees and well, kiss them I suppose." She continues her little speech though Anne takes this opportunity to laugh at the other girl before a short look from Rebecca changes her tune. Quickly she finds herself bent at the waist and contemplating just how to properly kiss the foot of a stone table.

Rebecca and Jasmin soon follow with each taking place at the remaining free table legs. The ridiculous of such an action is not lost on the girls, "Though that would be the whole idea." Voiced Rose, clearing her throat before laying a small kiss to the foot, a short speech following.

"Oh great Jesenda." Begins Rose, though quickly interrupted by Anne who in her normally cheeky style voices, "Who's bust towers over all."

"Oh great Jesenda." Rose tries again while darting a quick dirty glance over to the girl before continuing. "We worship this... well this table in reverence unto you. Please open the way forward for us to please you in person one day." She tries, closing her eyes as she hopes it works while also making her not look like a complete fool.

A pause, decidedly little happening before a slow and low groan comes from the door. The sound of rock scraping against rock filling the room as the door lifts from it's place. The passageway into the next room finally opening, it's bright light shining through to the girls, an omen for victory if they had ever seen one.

"Fucking nailed it."

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