Tell the girl to wait while you talk to the boy.

From Create Your Own Story

"Alright!" you snap at the boy. "You come with me." Turning to your secretary, you soften your tone. "Please watch over this young lady. She's just had a very traumatic experience."

Your bubble-brained secretary nods absently without looking up from her nails. You couldn't care less, as you've just noticed that you can see directly down her blouse from this vantage point.

The boy, still utterly befuddled, moves towards the door. You open it for him and follow him in. You motion for him to take a seat in front of your desk as you go to your normal seat behind it. You suddenly realize that the principal keeps a gun in his top right drawer. You're really starting to like this guy.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Middle School Principal
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