Tell Callie you need to rest now

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm also spent," you tell her.

Callie smiles at you. "That's understandable." She slips a pillow under your head and caresses your face. You let your eyes close...

When you wake, Callie is lying on the couch, your head resting in her lap. You blink your eyes open and she smiles down at you.

"Hello, slave," she husks. "Feeling better?"

You nod, and Callie guides you to the washroom. 20 minutes later, the two of you are clean, dry and ready to start the day.

Callie leads you back to the couch, and again puts your head in her lap. You lie still for a moment, enjoying the feel of being close to her.

Health Horny Location:

Callie's Play Room

MP 0
Level 4
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