Take the form of a Skaven Grey Seeress

From Create Your Own Story

You consider what your body should look like. Your mind shifts through the warp, gathering information on the forms of the creatures of this world. Dwarves, no, humans, no, skinks, possibly... Aha! Here’s what you’ve been looking for, the Grey Seers of the Skaven race. Ratmen, with grey fur, horns... all you’ll need to do is switch the gender over... A few minutes later, and you’re standing in a dark portion of one of the Skaven race’s many, many tunnels. You’re naked, though, and it’s kind of chilly down here. How are you going to get your hands on some clothes?

Your Character
Species Skaven (Daemon Prince) Equipment:

Skaven body.

Gender Female
Arousal Slight
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