Take Doris, she also knows a little about plants, though not as much as you(S)

From Create Your Own Story

As the second-most knowledgeable person in the ways of plants, you decide to take Doris. She agrees, and soon the two of you are trekking deeper into the island. You step into a forest and the lighting goes dark and green. A couple feet in, Doris stops you.

"Hey, aren't these mushrooms edible?" she asks. You examine them.

"I don't think so. Actually, these are really poisonous," you say.

"Oh..." Doris's shoulders slump and she suddenly bursts into tears.

"What's wrong?!" you ask, before realizing what a stupid question it is.

"Everything! We're stuck on this island, so many people died in that plane crash, and I almost killed more by giving them poison! I-I can't take this!" she shouts, before sitting against a tree and sobbing into her hands.

You stare at her awkwardly, wanting to help but not sure how.

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