TSRM- "Just wanted to play a new 'game' with you."

From Create Your Own Story

"A game? What kind of game?" Bayley questions.

"Well, come over here."

You guide Bayley over towards one of the exercise machines, its old pullies hanging limply from their anchor point.

"I wonder how much I can lift," You ponder, as you sit down in the chair and take hold of the bar which bears the weight on it. Giving it a sturdy pull you grunt deeply pulling at the loaded pully till it falls over your shoulders, releasing it with a grunt the weight falls down with a loud metallic clang.

"Wow, you're strong, can I try?" Bayley asks, excitement filling her voice.

"Sure, sit down."

You pat the base of the chair that is connected to the machine for her to sit down. With haste Bayley plops down on the chair making it squeak loudly as she does so, showing off its old age.

"Now what?"

Reaching up you take the pully and hand it to Bayley, its ends having a strip which can wrap around a person's hands.

"Here ya go, sis," You say, as you secure the wraps around Bayley's hands so she could better grasp the anchored pole. "Alright one second, let me just adjust the weight a little bit."

After lowering the weight by a considerable amount, Bayley gives it an easy tug pulling the bar down to her shoulder and then back up.

"I did it!"

Bending over, you adjust the lifting weights that are attached to the pullies, increasing their weight by another fifty pounds causing Bayley to go flying up from the chair with a whipping force.

"Weee! Ow! That kinda hurt."

"Ya... it did..." You shrug but are now seeing that Bayley is dangling from the bar and defenseless.

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