TSRM-Bother her?

From Create Your Own Story

"Enjoying your game?" You finally speak up, causing her to jump. "What?" She holds her hand over her chest feeling her own pulse.

"You scared." She shakes her head as her eyes go back to the screen as she dodges out of the way of a rifle shot.

"Damn camper, eat rocket launcher." As she proceeds to launch a rocket into another players chest, making them explode in a shower of red and guts.

"I didn't know you played... stuff like this." You point at the screen with the hint of a question in your voice.

"Well I finished all my school work, so I have lots of free time, so I got into gaming... I'm not to bad as you can see." She shrugs her eyes turning back towards the screen as another round starts.

"I can see that and pretty loud too." Though your words bounce, seem to bounce off her ears as she starts to smash a players head into the wall.

"Little violent isn't it?" Your question with a bit of laughter.

"Isn't it? I love it... You wanna play?" She offers as her foot slaps a controller at your feet.

"Sure. I've never played this one before, but I think I'll get the hang of it pretty fast." Shaking off the slight stiffening of your body, you slip from the bed, take a seat next to Nichole on the floor, and pick up a controller. Quick to start a new game, the two of you choose a map and characters in preparation for your confrontation. As you begin, you find yourself in some mountainy area with two guns on your person. Unfamiliar with the layout, you find yourself lost... but Nicole knows her way around it like the back of her hand. Turning the corner, you find yourself face to face with a shotgun as a slug rips from the barrel and straight into your skull.

"Ha, eat lead," She grins as she starts to T-bag your corpse.

"Geez, maybe a little sportsmanship?" You mention.

"Please, if your gonna suck, I'm gonna T-bag." She nudges you in the shoulder with her own.

Respawning you find yourself in a different part of the map and see two weapons laying next to you, a shotgun and a rocket launcher.

Do you:

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