TPM: Molest her first

From Create Your Own Story

This is far from your first go with Shimi, and you have begun to suspect that she looks forward to your little games. Prehaps if you take a more gentle approach, you can make her want you, which would only further damage the boy.

Sneaking up behind Shimi, you reach up with one of your feet/hands and begin to squeeze her breast. At first she's surprised, but that feeling is soon suppressed; it isn't uncommon for a slave of Watto to be expected to "entertain" his clients. Turning around, a look of recognition falls upon her face.

"Hello Sebulba."

With that short greeting, Shimi reaches down for you cock - she knows what you want.

TPM: Stop her; you want her to want you
TPM: Screw these games; you want her now!

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