Stick your foot into the witch's ruby-encrusted pussy
From Create Your Own Story
You put the other ruby slipper on your foot and then you poke your bare foot against the witch's pussy. Her labia part and the your foot slides inside her.
Your foot is swallowed by her twat. You use your foot and play around inside of her pussy for awhile. You wiggle all of your sexy toes inside of her. You can feel your foot and toes getting wet, covered in her cum. And then her pussy lips quit sparkling. Her labia have become green again. You feel something covering your foot. It feels like a shoe. You slowly pull your foot out of her to see that you're wearing a ruby slipper on each foot.
"That is where I intended for the shoe to fit...!" you say. "Now I have all of your sister's power!"
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Status | ||
Health | Horny | Location: |
MP | 0 | |
Level | 2 |