Stay awake and think about Xara

From Create Your Own Story

With a sigh, you think about Xara. She said she loves you, and you believe her. She may not be the prettiest elf you've ever met, but she's a great lay, and you really like her. You might not yet be at the love stage on your end, but are certain you'll get there one day.

Hours pass, when suddenly, the door to your room unlocks and opens. In steps a silhouette of a someone, and locks the door behind them. You pretend to be asleep, and feel them crawl in bed next to you, kissing your cheek.

"You awake?" Xara asks as she snuggles in close to you.

"I am. But how did you get in?"

Xara giggles. "I swiped the key from my parents room. Gods, I want to fuck you so bad. I can't believe Mom put you in here, and locked the door no less."

"She's probably just concerned about you, that's all."

Xara takes a deep breath, and runs her hand over your chest. "Yeah, I know. But, I love you, and she has to realize that. So, I want you to fuck me, and make sure that everyone in the entire village can hear us."

She slides her hand from your chest down to your pants, and gropes your massive bulge. You moan to her gentle touch, and run your fingers through her hair.

Health Horny, temporarily named Worjum, mated to Xara Equipment:

black pants

Experience inexperienced
HP 100
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