Sort and fold the rest of your clothes

From Create Your Own Story

At least it's only a sock you lost. Socks are cheap.

You're almost done sorting and folding when some creepy-looking guy creeps up to you. His eyes are wide and they keep flicking from you to your laundry pile and back to you.

"Hello, nice lady," the creep says. "Don't worry. I'm not going to try molesting you. I just want a pair of your panties. Please? Give me a pair of panties and I'll go away."

"Panties don't grow on trees, you know," you say. "I have to buy them."

"I'll pay you for a pair!" the creep says.

Do you ask him for:

Or do you:

Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

The Laundromat

MP 0
Level 1
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