Some old jeans and plain white t shirt

From Create Your Own Story

Dudley tutting at Harry new apparel. "Mmm. That won't do." He steps over to Harry small frame. He place one of his fingers into his mouth. Acting like he was judging Harry new/old outfit. "I think you need to look more slutty."

Harry didn't want to look like a whore when he went outside for the first time. But he knew he had to let Dudley decide on what he will wear. Or he might never get to see his cousin glorious cock ever again.

He ask. "How can I look more appealing to you sir?"

Dudley didn't answer him but he grip the front of Harry white t shirt. He rip it down the middle showing off Harry lovely cleavage. Harry saw Dudley grinning.

He lean down giving Harry tits two kisses each. "So beautiful..." Dudley took a small bite out of Harry left soft breast. "and slutty. Now it time to take you to the place that I mention before."

Where does Dudley take Harry too?

A seedy part of London

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