Snuggle more tightly against Katy and let your eyes close for just a moment...

From Create Your Own Story

You relax your body and enjoy the feeling of Katy against you. Your eyes close...

"Uhhhhh," you mumble as consciousness returns by degrees.

Katy giggles. "Hello, Brandon." Her lips find your neck. You blink your eyes open. You've been asleep for about an hour.

A male voice laughs. Katy's father is smiling down at the two of you. "My daughter told me about the traumatic experience on the way home."

A female voice joins in. "That was good thinking to pull out," Katy's mom giggles. "In the future, you can use these." She puts a 24-pack of condoms on Katy's dresser.

"That's the happiest Katy's looked in months," her father tells you. "Ever since Donna... vanished... well,, that's the first time she's smiled since."

Katy's mom favors you with a smile. "So, Brandon, are you staying for dinner?"

Do you:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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