Shout "Allah Ackbar" and open fire in the busy street

From Create Your Own Story

You feel rage, and have the urge to stop them-permanently. You pull out your weapons pack: A shotgun, SMG, AK-12 and a bunch of hand grenades. You walk up to a teen on his iPhone 6 and say "Hi, I need to talk to you" "Ok?" "ALLAH ACKBAR! ALLAH ACKBAR! ALLAH ACKBAR!" "What the fuc-" Blam. You end him with your shotgun. Everyone else is screaming so you grab your AK-12 and start firing at the crowd. They are all gunned down mercilessly.

By now, the police have arrived and are coming in.

Do you: Stand at the wall and shoot them as they're coming in the door

Give yourself up

Blow yourself up

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