Serenity: white summers skirt with matching white blouse

From Create Your Own Story

Today was the day!

Being nervous; Serenity starred at herself one last time in the mirror before walking out of the house. It was a cute outfit to start off everything. Looking good in many things, Serenity decided to wear her summers skirt with her white high heels underneath. Her blouse was only a little revealing; if someone were to look hard enough, you could just see her white bra though her shirt. Her light tan-ish skin made it easier however to outline it, yet Serenity was still comfortable... Keeping her blonde hair down and a little bit curled, Serenity was now satisfied with her look. With her final touches, Serenity outlined her eyes in black eyeliner and colored her lips a red apple shade, she hugged her daddy goodbye and left for the bus.

It was a quiet 30 minute ride down to the studio. The bus stopped right in front of the tall glass building with two big blue doors in front of Serenity waiting for her to enter. It seemed very busy as Serenity noticed many different cars parked around the area. Becoming more eager by the second, Serenity walks through the doors into a large empty room with only a young woman at a reception desk.

"Hello ma'am, can I help you?" Asked the young lady with a smile as Serenity approached the desk.

"Hi, I have an appointment right about now. My name is..." Serenity said before she was quickly interrupted.

"Ahh, Serenity, there you are" The young woman said clicking Serenity's name on the computer. "Just take the elevator to the 32nd floor, Mr. Hopps will be expecting you."

Serenity thanked the receptionist and made her way to the lift as her heels echoed through the room. Alone in the lift, Serenity took deep breaths as the lift ascended up through the building. He's a nice man; Serenity thought to herself, "just act normal and be yourself..."


Serenity: meet Mr. Hopps

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