Screw asking, just jam it down her throat. She's dying. Who's she gonna tell?

From Create Your Own Story

You cram your dick into Gail's mouth. She may be dying, but her mouth is so hot and wet...

Unfortunately for you, while she may be missing a lot of her body, she still has her teeth. She chews your dick to ribbons. You try to pull out, but her teeth have a good grip on your meat. When you do get your prick free, it's as much of a bloody mess as her lower body.

You stagger out of the room, bleeding profusely from your crotch. Other guests spot you and scream in horror. Finally, much to your relief, you faint.

You wake up in a hospital bed. You lift the blanket and check under your gown. There's a huge wad of bandages wrapped around your penis.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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