Say you owe her one and offer to eat her pussy

From Create Your Own Story

"Hold on," you say. "It's not really fair of me to just take. Sit down and spread 'em so I can return the favor."

"H'mmm," the cowgirl says. She puts a hand on one of her guns. "Okay, pal. But you better do as good a job on me as I did on you."

She sits down and spreads her legs. You kneel between them, push her panties aside and gently lick up and down her slit. Apparently, despite her protests, sucking you off turned her on, because she's already got juices leaking from her box.

You hear the sound of a gun being cocked. One of the cowgirl's six-shooters presses against the back of your skull. "Good so far," she whispers. "Now stay there until you make me cum."

Nothing like adding a little pressure to make a man perform, you think. You flicker your tongue over her clit, causing her to moan, and slide inside her. Driving into her box, you taste her sweetness directly from the source. The cowgirl's body shivers as your tongue swirls around inside her.

"Don't stop," she purrs. You increase your speed and lick her even deeper. Her legs tense up and you know she's close. You slip a finger onto her clit and circle it, pushing the cowgirl over the edge. She floods your face with her nectar and you lick and drink in as much of it as possible.

When she gets her breath back, she gives you a big smile. "Excellent work," she says. The cowgirl lifts you to your feet, reclaims her hat, and spins you around before sticking her gun into your back.

"Um..." you say, "are those... real guns?"

"Of course," she purrs. "You did a great job. I'd like more of that, so I'm taking you back to my place now."

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