Roll your eyes - Emma (PFWSP)

From Create Your Own Story

Location: Compton Date: 12/3/2018 Time: 8:38 AM

You have brief lapse of judgement and revert to your sassy self, rolling your eyes at Jerome's comment. He catches this and shouts with anger, "Bitch, don't roll your eyes at me!" He brings his hand down hard onto your stomach, pushing the air out of your lungs and forcing you to gasp for breath. "Look, bitch. I don't care how good you think you are, you're nothin' now. You're just some dumb white bitch who sucks dick for money, got it?"

You slowly nod your head in response, still struggling to catch your breath.

"Good. I don't want anymore of that kind of shit from you. You do what I say, and don't speak unless I say it's okay." With that command, the truck pulled into the mall parking lot, and both of your stepped out of the car. The walk to the mall is long and tense. You keep your head down and remain quiet, not wanting to upset Jerome further. Finally you make it inside and he leads you into a shop. It's a small crowded store with only a few people in it. The walls are black and the clothes hung along the racks are made up of mini-skirts, crop-tops, lace panties, and other skimpy dresswear. Normally you would enjoy a trip to a store like this, but knowing it's purpose, you can't help but feel sick.

The two of you walk up to the counter where Jerome greets the clerk. "Hey, Trevon."

"'Sup Jerome. She the new girl?" He asks.

"Yeah. Say, hello, Emma." Jerome says.

You look up at the man behind the counter and force a smile, "Hi."

"So, the usual, right?" Trevon asks. Jerome nods in response and Trevon smirks. He walks over to the last people in the store and ushers them outside, locking the door behind them and putting up the, "Out to lunch" sign.

Jerome looks down at you and says forcefully, "I'm gonna pick out some outfits for you while you go in the back with Trevon."

Trevon grabs your arm and leads you into a back room, leaving Jerome to look through the merchandise. The room is small with light grey walls, a table in the center with two chairs around it, and a microwave on the counter. You look up at Trevon, who is about as tall as Jerome, though a little younger, and once again force a smile. You notice that he's fairly good looking, and feel a little relieved. He aggressively grabs your left breast, causing you to instinctively exclaim, "Hey!" which earns you a hard slap to your cheek.

"Shut up, bitch. Get on your knees, and suck this dick." He commands.

Status Bar
Name Emma Equipment:

Broken iPhone, grey sweat pants, pink tube top

Gender Female
Ethnicity White
Tit Size Small
Ass Size Petite
Hair Color Blonde Notes:

Black eye (left)

Age Sixteen
Money $0
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