Pull the blankets off the bed and cover yourself to stop the bleeding.

From Create Your Own Story

You pull the blankets on you and feel the blood all over your body that is getting soaked into the blanket. You close your eyes and, next thing you know, you're asleep.

You wake up to the sounds of, "Mommy!" and "Sweetheart! What happened?" You are too weak to do anything, but you know that help is coming. When you do open your eyes, you are in the hospital, and your husband is crying tears of joy to know that you're alive.

In about a month you and the baby get out of the hospital, happy to be alive. Everything seems to be normal again.

And then the unexpected happens... You get pregnant again. You're sitting in the bathroom, staring at the test, not knowing what to do. You and your husband had vowed not to get pregnant again, and you don't want to tell him because it would be your fault and he has a nasty temper. What do you do?

Not tell him and pretend you didn't know.

Tell him that you have to go see your parents alone so he won't find out.

Tell him and face the consequences.

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