Pray for divine intervention (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

With no better alternative coming to mind, you bow your head and press your hands together.

"Please, God," you whisper. "Don't let him do it. Don't let him marry me off. I'm begging you, anything but that! I'm so scared. I don't want... Please, help me, God."

You feel suddenly quite calm. A sense of ease washes over you. You suddenly feel as though everything is fine. You feel a comforting hand on your shoulder, and you turn your head. You're nearly blinded by the light. There's a figure, a beautiful woman. She's standing right there, shining so bright.

"Do not be afraid," she commands, her voice stern and yet gentle. "I am Gabrielle. I can deliver you from your fear. Will you accept this kindness?"

You don't hesitate. "I accept!" you shout.

The light fades slightly. You can see her more clearly now. Her skin is fair, and her hair is a light blonde. Her eyes are gold. She wears a set of white and gold armour with a skirt and long boots. You know it's probably bad to think dirty thoughts of angels, but you've never seen a woman so beautiful. And she's in your bedroom, no less.

"You wish for me to save you?" Gabrielle asks. "Command me. I shall carry out your righteous bidding."

Do you…

  • Kiss Gabrielle? — Clearly, the Lord is giving you another option to your father's pick.
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