
From Create Your Own Story

You enter Elm's lab, it's a very clean lab, with dark wood flooring and bluish white walls. You also see professor Elm's assistant kinda standing of to the side something. Once Elm see you he comes straight to you and says

"Kris! There you are! I needed to ask you a favor. I have an acquaintance called Mr.Pokemon. He keeps finding weird things and raving about his discoveries. Anyway, I just got an e-mail from him saying that this time it's real. It is intriguing, but we're busy with our Pokemon research. Could you look into it for us? I'll give you a Pokemon for a partner."

He run over a table with three Pokemon on it and comes back with one and hands it to you

"This pokemon name is Chikorita, I hope you and her a grad time together Mr.Pokemon lives near Cerrygove, the next city. It's almost a direct route to there."

You thank him for the Pokemon and head out of the lab

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